say hi to_ aims to support and promotes design and architecture culture through publishing, exhibitions, experiences, masterclasses, and bespoke brand partnerships. We not only want to showcase some of the most inspiring creative contemporaries we come across during our travels but also to help nurture the community with access to affordable alternative education options for running their creative businesses.

Say hi to_ was started in 2014 by Kristen de La Vallière, a design curator, writer an photographer from New York, based in Paris. She also founded KdlV Creative, a media consulting agency which works with brands in the design, fashion, and hospitality industries internationally.
The Community Membership
Slack workspace for access to a Design Consultant to answer your design business questions, get exclusive resources, access recordings of all previous masterclasses, and connect with others in the community.
Monthly talk with an insider expert on topics like legal contracts, marketing, working with galleries, working sustainably, working with artisans and more.
Access to our GoogleDrive resources for contract templates, spreadsheets to track your finances, schedules, and social media planning.
PLUS other perks like special pricing on long-format masterclasses, group programs, artisan and vendor directory access, first-invite to say hi to_ special events and more to come!
Monthly Q & A via Zoom
The Community will be launching in the next couple months - stay tuned.
Coming soon
With a finger on the pulse of the contemporary zeitgeist, say hi to_ taps into its creative network to create and collaborate on compelling storytelling, visual production, campaign development, exhibitions, and in-person experiences with like-minded brands.
We value ethics, integrity, and authenticity above all else and ensure to provide work that respects these values.
We work within the realms of writing, art direction, art buying, photography, and video.
We are not a media and do not accept submissions.
This is a curated creative project where we share our work, notable architecture and the stories and work of creatives we find through our own research.
For advertising or sponsorship opportunities, to get in touch about our creative services or to receive a media kit – please e-mail us at info@sayhito-atlas.com
Please do not send submissions, press kits from PR agencies or add this email address to newsletter lists; it is for business enquiries only.