(Paris, France)(Multi)(Design Directory)2023-04-05
Justin Morin
Justin Morin's androgynous, pop-influenced objects, curved and/or bent chromed metal rods and colorfully considered draped silks – reach into the history of painting and sculpture while maintaining a contemporary voice in the world of runway models, fashion magazines, Hollywood, gay semiotics, minimalism, advertising, and theater.

Justin Morin’s sculptures are light, disembodied, fresh, and beautifully abstracted. Androgynous, pop-influenced objects, curved and/or bent chromed metal rods, and colorfully considered draped silks - reach into the history of painting and sculpture, while maintaining a contemporary voice in the world of runway models, fashion magazines, Hollywood, gay semiotics, minimalism, advertising, and theater. Since 2019, he develops functional projects related to interior design, from sculptural pieces of furniture to scenography.

Melina Melina, a collaboration between Laurids Gallée and Justin Morin
The bed is inspired by Total Recall, a 1990 movie by Paul Verhoeven starring Sharon Stone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
