(Lyon, France)(Multi)(Design Directory)2023-04-05
Melissa Mariller
Invoking both the hot and the cold, the opaque and the transparent, the matte and the sparkling, the urban and the domestic, the industrial and the artisanal, Melissa Mariller's sculptures could be found in a post-apocalyptic ruin, a contemporary interior or a spaceship.

The practice developed by Mélissa Mariller is at the border between contemporary art and design. The fusion of these two fields leads her to develop sculptures where the sculptural and functional dimensions coexist. Invoking both the hot and the cold, the opaque and the transparent, the matte and the sparkling, the urban and the domestic, the industrial and the artisanal, his sculptures to be experienced could stay in a post-apocalyptic ruin, a contemporary interior or a spaceship.


